I regularly bang on to anyone who’ll listen about how much better I like my kids now that they are older. The baby and toddler years were tough for me and the preschool ones not much better. I have enjoyed parenting much more since they started school (funny that!) I thought it would be interesting […]
Blog Posts
Life as an Introvert Mum
I was unfortunate that none of my friends became parents around the same time I did. Initially I wasn’t too worried about it, being an introvert I imagined I’d be quite happy by myself. Eventually I came to realise that even an introvert mum needs mum friends. In case there are any extroverts reading this, […]
Portfolio Career Ideas that Work for Mums
Everyone knows that the days of a “job for life” are long gone. We live in a world of redundancies, outsourcing and zero hour contracts. For parents, a traditional job is often not realistic due to the lack of flexibility and the cost of childcare. For all of these reasons, we are starting to see […]
How I Became a Work at Home Mum
Becoming a work at home mum (or WAHM) is a goal for a lot of mums. Traditional jobs often lack the flexibility that parents need to be there for their children and childcare costs can outweigh the benefits of working outside the home. When I became a work at home mum it seemed quite a […]
Parenting with Migraines
As anyone who suffers with them knows, a migraine is so much more than just a headache. They vary hugely from one person to another but common features include a throbbing headache, nausea, visual disturbances, neck pain and sensitivity to lights, sounds and smells. Migraines can be episodic, just happening from time to time, or […]