There’s no denying that Motherhood is full on. Sometimes, we need a break. A bit of time away to relax and return a better person and parent. Unfortunately, these times away from our children don’t always quite live up to the fantasy in our heads. Here are six things that happen we we go away […]

Parenting Humour
How on earth do you get through parenting without a sense of humour. It’s certainly true that there have been many, many occasions where if I didn’t laugh, I would have cried.
In the posts in this section, I look back at my early years as a mother and laugh at how unbelievably naive I was, rant about toys that annoy me, mull over the pros and cons of various children’s TV shows and express my frustration at my children’s never ending rivalry.
I also spend some extolling the many virtues of “lazy parenting” and compare my children to dogs.
5 Things Only Grandparents Do
Last week I was chatting to a friend at the school about grandparents. She told me a story about how, when her Dad and Step Mum were looking after her kids, they cooked sausages for dinner. She has three girls and when all the sausages had been shared out evenly, there was one left. Instead […]
Ways Getting a Puppy is like Having a Newborn
So. We did it. We got a puppy. As a child I was desperate for a puppy but it never happened. As an adult, I wasn’t so sure about the idea. There was a lot to consider. Chris has been desperate for a puppy for years. Boy Child has been desperate for a puppy since […]
How to Avoid Sibling Rivalry – A Desperate Parent’s Guide
Tired of your children fighting from dawn till dusk? Want a quieter life so you can drink your tea in peace? Perhaps even have a wee alone without someone visiting you to tell tales? Check out my parenting tips on how to avoid sibling rivalry and with a few changes you too can have peace […]
The Benefits of Lazy Parenting
If I’m totally honest, I’m a bit lazy. I always have lots going on in life and hate doing nothing. However, I prefer my life to be filled with things I can do from the comfort of my sofa. I write my blog posts on the sofa, I do my distance learning tutoring on the […]