Our oldest son was born in July making him very much a summer born child. We seriously considered deferring his school entry (and for a long time, wished we had) but were put off doing it because at the time, where we lived, it would have meant he would have had to miss the reception […]

Homeschooling and School
Supporting your children through their education can be one of the trickier parts of parenting older children. We’ve all forgotten much of what we learnt at school and teaching methods have changed pretty drastically.
In this section you’ll find posts about helping your child if they are struggling, supporting reluctant readers and some great tips on learning times tables.
Reasons for Choosing a Secondary School: The Factors we’re Considering
The time has come for us to choose a secondary school for our oldest. We are lucky in that where we live, almost every school in the town is ranked “Good” by OFSTED. That means that, while we are likely to end up in a pretty good school, we still have to consider the things […]
Dealing with After School Grumpiness
Being back at school, especially after such a long break, is a bit of a shock to the system for all of us. Lots of children are coming out of primary school in foul moods which is no fun for them or us as parents. Here are my top 5 tips on how to deal […]
Summer Born Child Starting School: Parent Experiences
If you’re regular reader, you’ll know that I’ve had my regrets about not delaying school entry for my summer born son. For him, it’s had a big impact on his experience of school, both academically and socially. However, there are plenty of parents who have had different experiences of a summer born child starting school not long […]
How Much School Uniform to Buy
Starting school is a big deal for children and school uniform is expensive. Even if you buy from supermarkets, all of the bits you need soon add up. It makes sense not to buy more than you need but, how much do you need? While there is no exact answer, you can work out how […]