If you move in parenting circles you may have heard the term danger nap, uttered in whispered horror by mums and dads. You might even have experienced it for yourself. Personally, I was so frightened of them, I used to have nightmares that my toddler had taken a danger nap. But what is a danger […]
Life with Toddlers
Toddlers are exhausting. Lots of them still don’t sleep through the night and yet they are somehow able to run around causing chaos all day. You’ll need lots of energy and right toys to keep them occupied.
It’s a tricky stage where, while they are keen to be independent, separation can still cause lots of tears. We also found that it was the age our children started to get car sick so I’ve written some tips on how we coped with that.
The Transition to One Nap
Having spent months getting your child sleeping through the night and into a good napping routine, the thought of making changes can be horrifying. At some point your toddler will need to make the transition to one nap and getting them to sleep less can actually be as tricky as getting them to sleep more. How […]
Toddler Separation Anxiety
Leaving your toddler somewhere without you is hard. It automatically kicks the mum guilt into a high gear. If your toddler sobs their little heart out as you walk out of the door, mum guilt goes in to overdrive. We’ve all been there, which alone should tell us that we don’t need to feel guilty […]
The 6 Essential Toys For Toddlers
Once your baby graduates to toddler, they will be into everything. You may be tempted to buy them endless toys in an attempt to keep them away from things they aren’t allowed (your phone, the oven, the cat etc). A better approach is buy the toys that will hold their attention. My children had hundreds […]
What to do if Your Toddler Gets Car Sick
When you have a baby, dealing with their bodily fluids is part of day to day life. As time goes on, thank god, you see less of their fluids. Just when you think you’re past the worst of it, the sickness has subsided, the poo is staying in the nappies, the dribbling has slowed down […]