As parents, we all make mistakes. I thought I’d take a light hearted look at some of my parenting mistakes, in the hope it’ll make other mums feel better about there own mistakes.
Reading “The Contented Little Baby Book”
My mistakes started early, while I was still pregnant in fact. Some, presumably well meaning, person recommended Gina Ford’s The Contented Little Baby Book to me. I so wish I hadn’t taken that recommendation (there was no chance of that happening because I like to read ALL the books). If ever there was a book to set you up with false expectations about parenthood, this is it. If it were to be believed (and believe it, I did) your baby will be in a feeding routine from day 1 and sleeping through the night at 4 weeks.
Not doing NCT classes
I didn’t know much about NCT classes (The National Childbirth Trust) before I got pregnant (who does?). I somehow got it in to my head that they were anti pain relief (maybe I thought it was the Natural Childbirth Trust?) and this put me right off doing the classes. When I was stuck at home with a small baby I quickly realised I needed other mums to talk to. While I did eventually make mum friends, it would have been much quicker if I was part of an NCT group.
Buying all of the stuff
I pretty much lived in Mothercare when I was a new mum. And when I wasn’t in Mothercare, I was online ordering the latest baby miracle product from Amazon. I was the ultimate new mum marketer’s dream. I wish someone had just sat me down and gently explained that there was no product that would making parenting easier. Actually maybe that would have been worse…
Not being more careful with the sun cream
You know how it is. The kids just want to go and play but you need to get cream on them first. It’s more like a wrestling match with an increasingly slippery alligator. I have to fess up to doing a pretty slapdash job some of the time, which has resulted in the odd sunburn patch. I learnt my lesson when Boy Chid got Hell’s Itch. I would rather wrestle 10 oil coated alligators than go through that again.
Not believing my child when they say they are going to be sick
This is a bit of an ongoing thing for me. Boy Child was off sick (because he’d been sick) and Girl Child said she felt sick too. I was convinced she was trying to get the day off school. That was until her teacher phoned to say she’d thrown up all over the classroom floor. There have also been numerous occasions where one has said they felt sick in the car and I haven’t believed them. I’ve said “you can’t feel sick yet, we’ve only been in the car five minutes” and “you’re fine, we’re nearly there” only to have them prove me wrong. I once arrived at my friends house only for Girl Child to immediately throw up all over her floor. You’d think I’d learn my lesson.
Forgetting about a school event
When Boy Child was in year 3, they had to invent their own chocolate bar. The parents were invited in to try it. I got the invite. I put it in the diary. On the morning in question, I sent him in with the ingredients. And yet, I still forgot to actually got to the school for the tasting. I only realised when I left the house for the school run. I ended up crying over the other mums in the queue for pick up because I felt so bad. Boy Child was heartbroken. He eventually forgave me and I now put reminders in my phone for EVERYTHING.
So that’s just a small selection of the mistakes I’ve made since becoming a parent, I haven’t even mentioned the time I let my 11 month old knock her baby tooth out. I’d love to hear some of yours (go on, don’t let me feel like I’m the only one!)
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I also didn’t do any classes, and I do somewhat regret it. I guess just having a little more insight into what was about to happen, would have been helpful! #itsok
Buying All The Stuff is a serious mistake that I made. I think it’s cos I just had NO clue what to do or what was necessary or, more importantly, unnecessary!
I avoided that book thankfully before I had babies as I’d been warned about it, although I read it out of curiosity and it only annoyed me. However I’ve made heaps of mistakes mainly to do with not keeping my cool, being grumpy and not listening to my kids. It’s really impossible to be the perfect parent but we all beat ourselves up when we’re not! #itsok
Oh the Gina Ford routine, brings memories of wondering why he wouldn’t go to sleep in his quiet dark room at precisely 9 am for his first nap of the day. The realisation that I wouldn’t have any adult interaction or a life if I followed it to a tee! #itsok
Parenting is a continuous learning curve, isn’t it? If we’ve cracked one stage, another immediately tests us. NCT classes were a boon (well, not so much the classes themselves but the friendships made and the support received during those first few months from your new mom friends). Glad I did those. But agree with you on the buying all of the stuff bit – even though I didn’t go absolutely insane, I bought far more than was actually needed or really used. Well, we live and learn, #itsok!
My biggest mistake was joking with the sonographer that she was going to find twins in there. She did! And yes, you should have definitely done NCT. I totally bought my mates for the bargain price of £220 🙂 #itsok
Yes to all of these!! Especially the first one, god I hated that vook, pretty sure I threw it in the bin!
Definitely buying all the things! Especially clothes that they grew out of before they could actually wear them. Or buying cute but totally not practical outfits that my kids either refused to wear or were too challenging to put on them 😉
Parenting is a constant stream of mistakes! My latest is the situation my 2 year old has coerced me into where he will only do a poo standing up, and if I catch it………
You nailed all of these points! I guess I’m quite lucky being a Nanny. I see so many first time parents do the same and buy soo many products. And it’s a good point, I’m sure they do think it’ll make it all easier! Don’t beat yourself up about missing things, also see parents feel horrible about this but I guess in years to come, will they really remember? Take care,
Nanny M x
Those ruddy baby books are so bad especially for first time mothers. Every baby is different and the advice should be taken with a grain of salt.
hahaha! I bought everything first time around. Cost a small fortune and probably only used half of it. lol
I still don’t believe it when my girls say they feel sick until it’s coming out of their mouths. x
We bought a book read some of it and that’s all.