Every night my son reads to me from his book for the ten minutes requested by school. Then he goes to bed and reads some more, complaining when we tell him he needs to stop by 8 and get some sleep. He’s currently reading the Beast Quest series by Adam Blade and pesters me endlessly […]
Life with Older Children
For me, parenting older children has been sooo much easier than parenting babies and toddlers! I know it isn’t the case for everyone but being able to sleep all night, having six hours a day of peace and quiet while they are at school and them even making me the occasional cup of tea certainly seems preferable to me!
My posts about older children are split into three categories. Parenting older children, school and learning and fun with older children.
Parenting older children contains posts that offer advice about looking after older children. Things like eating, sleeping and anxiety are covered.
Homeschooling and School contains posts about supporting older children throughout their education as well as information on home education.
Fun with older children includes things like toys that my children have enjoyed and reviews of days out.
If you have older children you might also be interested in reading the posts in the Free Range Parenting category which includes stuff about playing out and managing boredom.
Joining Beavers – A Parents Guide
Scouting has been going on in this country for many years and it’s something that still offers a huge number of benefits for children and young adults. Groups are run entirely by volunteers which is in itself testament to how much people care about it. My husband was a scout and his Dad was very […]
A Family Trip to Rollerbowl
We receive free entry and meal in exchange for a review, all options are our own. Despite being together since we were 15, Chris and I have quite different early experiences of bowling. He attended bowling parties when he was at school and then went fairly regularly in his teens. I went bowling once as […]
Raising Left Handed Children (When you’re both righties)
Chris and I are both right handed. Boy Child and Girl Child are both left handed. I hadn’t really considered left or right handedness to be of particular relevance to parenting until I found myself trying to reverse stuff like using knives and forks in order to teach them how to eat their dinner. Doing […]
A Tongue in Cheek Guide to Choosing After School Activities
Once your children have moved on from baby classes and toddler groups, the time comes to choose after school clubs. You might be under the impression that choosing kid’s activities is about helping them to find something they’re passionate about and have fun. While that’s one way to go about it, I would suggest you subject each […]