Every family takes a different attitude to chores. Some parents don’t require children to do chores, others pay for chores and some consider it part of learning life skills. In this post we’ll consider some age appropriate chores for an 8 year old and you’ll also find a handy, free, 8 year old chore chart […]

Life with Older Children
For me, parenting older children has been sooo much easier than parenting babies and toddlers! I know it isn’t the case for everyone but being able to sleep all night, having six hours a day of peace and quiet while they are at school and them even making me the occasional cup of tea certainly seems preferable to me!
My posts about older children are split into three categories. Parenting older children, school and learning and fun with older children.
Parenting older children contains posts that offer advice about looking after older children. Things like eating, sleeping and anxiety are covered.
Homeschooling and School contains posts about supporting older children throughout their education as well as information on home education.
Fun with older children includes things like toys that my children have enjoyed and reviews of days out.
If you have older children you might also be interested in reading the posts in the Free Range Parenting category which includes stuff about playing out and managing boredom.
Hands on Activities for Four Year Olds
Four year olds are great. They still have all the wonder of younger children but are capable enough to take part in much more interesting activities than toddlers. They are also usually full of energy so need something that will keep them engaged rather than require them to just sit passively. If you’re looking for […]
Good Family Shows on Netflix
When my kids were small and I was spending my time watching the likes of Peppa Pig and Paw Patrol, I dreamed of the day when we’d be able to snuggle up on the sofa and watch family TV shows together. Now that my children are older, we do just that and I absolutely love […]
Crabbing with Kids – How to Do It and the Best Places to Go Crabbing
Crabbing with kids is great fun, not just for the kids, but for the adults too, it’s a great way to spend family time together. There is something addictive about catching crabs and while it takes a bit of patience, it’s much easier than catching fish. In this post we’ll look at how to go […]
The 8 Year Old Sleep Regression
I’m sure you’ve heard of the 8 month sleep regression? One of numerous sleep regressions that happen where your baby, who was sleeping well, decides that closing his eyes as akin to torture and refuses to go to sleep. What you may not have heard of, is the 8 year old sleep regression. This is […]