When I was pregnant with my first child, I decided not to do NCT classes. Money was tight, time was tight and I wasn’t sure they were really for me. It remains one of my greatest parenting regrets (and I’m not the only one). Here’s why I really do think NCT classes are worth it. […]
Life with Babies and Toddlers
I found the baby years challenging to say the least. I had postnatal depression, struggled to bind with my babies and found the sleep deprivation very hard to cope with. Both of my babies had colic which meant hours of screaming every night and one was particularly sicky so I smelt of vomit for a good six months.
By the time they were toddlers I was coping a bit better but still found parenting relentless. As an introvert, I need a certain amount of alone time to function and unfortunately toddlers, who like to keep you company even on the toilet, don’t really allow for that.
Despite the challenges, we did have some good times. After my second was born I knew it was important for me to get out of the house so started attending a toddler group. I made friends and eventually ended up running the group which gave me a sense of purpose.
Society still pushes the image of women who are happy and fulfilled simply because they have had a baby however this isn’t the case for most women. Motherhood manages somehow to be both the hardest thing I’ve done as well as being mind numbingly boring for much of the time.
There is a big difference between loving your baby and loving motherhood. While I did slowly fall in love with my babies, I’ve never fallen in love with motherhood, and that’s ok. There are a hundred different ways to be a good mum, finding parenthood so tough in the early years has taught me not to judge others and I hope people afford me the same courtesy.
I found that the best way to cope with motherhood was through honestly and humour so many of the posts in this section laugh at the challenges or give honest accounts of them along with some advice on how to cope.
I Didn’t Love My Baby – What it’s Like When You Haven’t Bonded Straight Away
When I was putting Girl Child to bed last night she asked me “Mummy, what do you love more, me or sleep?’ A perfectly reasonable question, as how much I love my bed is a running joke in our house. I explained that I loved her more, and that all mummies loved their children most. […]
Toddler Groups: What are They and Tips for Attending
Attending toddler groups for the first time can be a bit daunting. Unless you’re a raving extrovert, the idea of walking in to a room full of women and children you’ve never met before is quite scary. I was absolutely petrified of going to toddler groups but was desperate to make some Mum friends so […]
Toddler Groups: Do they Deserve their Bad Reputation?
Every day thousands of toddler groups take place in community venues and church halls across the country. Different from their more formal cousin, the baby and toddler class, they are intended to be a way for parents of the under 5s to meet each other while the children burn off some of their endless energy. […]
Gifts for New Mums – What they really need
When you have a baby, a long line of people rock up to your house with gifts for said baby. This is all well and good, but what about gifts for new mums? While the baby is lovely, it’s unlikely to care if you’ve bought it yet another cute outfit or it’s tenth Jelly Cat […]