Becoming a new Dad is both exciting and scary. While your partner may well have a hospital bag that seems to contain everything you could possibly need, there are some things you’ll need to see you through labour and delivery. Below we’ll describe everything you’ll need for your new Dad hospital bag. New Dad Hospital […]

Life with Babies
Having and looking after babies can be incredibly challenging. This section has advice for before you become a mum (should you attend NCT classes or are the NHS ones just as good?) as well as when you’ve had your baby (is it normal to have no parenting instincts whatsoever?)
I was blessed with a big, colicky, sicky baby that didn’t sleep and I’ve written about all of the experiences to hopefully help people who are going through it.
I’ve also written about my experience of postnatal depression and not bonding with my baby, both of which need to be talked about more openly.
While there’s plenty of serious bits you’ll also find some tongue in cheek stuff about my total naivety about what parenthood involved.
How to Teach Baby to Sit Up
Sitting up is an important milestone for babies and one many parents look forward to. In this post we’ll explore how to teach baby to sit up, when you should expect the sitting milestone to happen, if there are things you can buy to encourage siting up and how to teach baby to sit up […]
The Best Rocking Chairs for a Small Nursery: Choosing a Nursing Chair
A rocking chair is the classic type of chair to sit in for feeding a baby but not all rocking chairs make good nursing chairs, there are some other options to consider when choosing a rocking chair for a small nursery. While a rocking chair is the classic choice, many parents now choose glider chairs […]
Places to Take a One Year Old
When you have a baby to look after it’s easy to feel a bit stuck at home. While one year olds don’t necessarily need to get out and about, it’s likely that you as an adult do. If you’re struggling to know where to go, check out these places to take a one year old. […]
What is the Right Age for a Bumbo Seat?
A Bumbo is a soft foam seat designed so that babies can sit upright in it before they have the strength to sit independently. The right age for a Bumbo Seat depends on the type you choose. The manufacturer’s recommended age for the Bumbo Floor Seat is from 3 months to 12 months. There is […]