Nico is a cool boys name that is a modern variant on Nicholas. The name can be spelled either Nico or Niko and the two variants have similar levels of popularity. If you are considering it for your son, here are some great middle names for Nico. My ten favourite middle names for Nico: Scroll […]
Life with Babies and Toddlers
I found the baby years challenging to say the least. I had postnatal depression, struggled to bind with my babies and found the sleep deprivation very hard to cope with. Both of my babies had colic which meant hours of screaming every night and one was particularly sicky so I smelt of vomit for a good six months.
By the time they were toddlers I was coping a bit better but still found parenting relentless. As an introvert, I need a certain amount of alone time to function and unfortunately toddlers, who like to keep you company even on the toilet, don’t really allow for that.
Despite the challenges, we did have some good times. After my second was born I knew it was important for me to get out of the house so started attending a toddler group. I made friends and eventually ended up running the group which gave me a sense of purpose.
Society still pushes the image of women who are happy and fulfilled simply because they have had a baby however this isn’t the case for most women. Motherhood manages somehow to be both the hardest thing I’ve done as well as being mind numbingly boring for much of the time.
There is a big difference between loving your baby and loving motherhood. While I did slowly fall in love with my babies, I’ve never fallen in love with motherhood, and that’s ok. There are a hundred different ways to be a good mum, finding parenthood so tough in the early years has taught me not to judge others and I hope people afford me the same courtesy.
I found that the best way to cope with motherhood was through honestly and humour so many of the posts in this section laugh at the challenges or give honest accounts of them along with some advice on how to cope.
Middle Names for Aaron [120 Combinations that Sound Perfect]
Aaron is a fairly popular boys name that has Hebrew origins. My childhood bestie’s younger brother was called Aaron and I’ve liked the name since then. If you are planning to use it for your son, here are some great middle names for Aaron. My 10 favourite middle names for Aaron: Scroll down for more […]
Middle Names for Vera [120 Brilliant Combinations]
Vera is an old fashioned girls name that has become popular again in recent years as part of the trend for using vintage names. If you are considering it for your daughter, here are some beautiful middle names for Vera. Top ten middle names for Vera: Scroll down for more middle names for Vera, names […]
Middle Names for Danielle [140 Brilliant Combinations]
Danielle is a classic girls name that has remained in regular use for many years, I certainly knew several Danielles when I was at school! I love the nickname possibilities for Danielle too, Dan, Dani, Elle or Ellie all work. If you are considering using it for your daughter, here are some lovely middle names […]
Middle Names for Adam [105 Perfect Combinations]
Adam is a classic boys name that has never really been out of fashion. If you are considering it for your son, here are some great middle names for Adam. Top ten middle names for Adam: Scroll down for more middle names for Adam, names like Adam and girls names to go with Adam. What […]